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Lions Mane

Hericium Erinaceus

^Lions Mane

-Lion's mane is absolute eye candy! With it’s white globe shape and shaggy like appearance, it’s sure to draw in a crowd. These mushrooms are tender and chewy with a mild, sweet, seafood flavor reminiscent of scallops, lobster, or crab. It is an incredible and versatile saprophyte, once reserved for the palates of royal families, because of its delectable seafood-like flavor and unique medicinal properties. Lion’s Mane incredible medicinal properties are due to two families of compounds that it produces (along with several others), the erinacines and hericenones. It’s strong antibacterial activity helps stimulate the generation of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), also known as Neurogenesis. This is a truly amazing gift from nature, as it’s potential to help with a wider array of ailments humans face these days. This mushroom will delight your culinary creations, and truly increase your wellbeing through it’s many functional qualities. 


Functional Qualities of Lion’s Mane:


  • Gut Health

  • Brain health (Neurogenesis)

  • Neuropathy treatment

  • Nerve damage repair

  • Anxiety and depression treatment (emotional wellbeing)

  • Immune health

  • Diabetes treatment

  • Menopause treatment

  • Powerful antibacterial treatment


  • Gut Health- Because of Lion’s Mane anti-microbial and immunological activity, traditional use was focused on gastric ailments including ulcers, chronic, gastritis and gastric cancers. It also helps digestive health by fighting inflammation, which could be beneficial for people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Lion’s Mane also boosts immune function and encourages the growth of good bacteria in the gut.


  • Immune Health- Lion’s mane mushrooms may enhance the immune system, partly by reducing inflammation and preventing oxidation. Studies indicate that a protein in lion’s mane mushrooms encourages the growth of beneficial gut bacteria that strengthen immunity.


  • Dementia and Alzheimer's- Research has shown huge benefits with patients that are suffering from Dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Because these patients have lower than normal NGF, this mushroom’s ability to increase NGF makes it particularly beneficial for individuals suffering from these ailments because of the Neurogenesis ability. Positive results have been reported in clinical studies with improvements in functional and cognitive capacity (understanding, communication, memory etc), as well as functional independence (eating, dressing, walking etc). 


  • Neuropathy- NGF also plays an important role in pain sensitivity, and lower NGF levels have been linked to neuropathy (increased sensitivity to pain). Clinical studies have shown Lion’s Mane to be beneficial for those suffering from Neuropathy from a variety of causes, including Parkinson's disease, and Multiple Sclerosis (MS).


  • Nerve Damage- Lion’s Mane is also beneficial in many cases of nerve damage from traumatic injury, helping promote faster regrowth (Neurogenesis), from a belief that nerve damage can even be permanent. 


  • Anxiety and Depression- Up to one-third of people living in developed countries experience symptoms of anxiety and depression. While there are many causes of anxiety and depression, chronic inflammation could be a major contributing factor. Lion’s Mane’s ability to reduce inflammation, as well as its ability to regenerate brain cells and improve the functioning of the hippocampus, a region of the brain responsible for processing memories and emotional responses, may reduce anxious and depressive behaviors.


  • Diabetes- Controlling blood sugar levels is key to managing diabetes. A study with animals that had diabetes, showed blood sugar levels were considerably lower after they received lion’s mane mushroom extract for 4 weeks. One of the complications of diabetes is nerve damage resulting from prolonged periods of high blood sugar. Another animal study, in which they ingested lion’s mane extract for 6 weeks, showed positive results, including lower blood sugar levels, reduced feelings of nerve pain, and improved antioxidant activity.


  • Menopausal Syndrome- Some of the compounds that help generate NGF have been shown to have a calming effect and this may account for the clinical observed benefit of Lion’s Mane for Menopausal Syndrome with patients reporting significant improvements in sleep disturbance, anxiety and hot flashes.


  • Antibacterial- The erinacines and hericenones are produced by Lion’s Mane for their potent antimicrobial activity and effectiveness against MRSA have been reported in many clinical studies. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection is caused by a type of staph bacteria that's become resistant to many of the antibiotics used to treat ordinary staph infections. (Most MRSA infections occur in people who've been in hospitals or other health care settings, usually are associated with invasive procedures or devices, such as surgeries, intravenous tubing or artificial joints. HA-MRSA can spread by health care workers touching people with unclean hands or people touching unclean surfaces. Another type of MRSA infection has occurred in the wider community among healthy people. This form often begins as a painful skin boil, and is usually spread by skin-to-skin contact.)


Nutritional profile:


  • Potassium

  • Iron

  • Fiber

  • Protein

  • Calcium


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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